How Can I Clean Leather Couch at Home?

Clean Leather Couch at Home

If you have a leather couch at home, then you probably want to keep it in a good condition for a long time. One of the best ways to do this is by cleaning your couch from time-to-time. Have no fear though…cleaning your couch isn’t that hard! In fact, it’s fairly easy. A couple of smart tips and tricks along with some simple home remedies will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Your first step should be taking all the cushions off your couch and flipping them over so that both sides are exposed. This way, when they dry after being cleaned, they won’t be stained or damaged from any wetness seeping through the inner part of the cushion. Also make sure you have enough time to clean your couch thoroughly it can take up to 2-3 days for it to dry, depending on the material.

Lastly, be sure that whatever you use on your leather couch is safe! You don’t want any water or substance that will damage or ruin your beloved piece of furniture.

Here are some great ways on how to quickly and easily clean your leather couch at home:

  1. Vinegar & Water Solution (for leather dirt stains)

There’s nothing like starting out with a good cleaner before working on heavy duty stains. A great way to get rid of even some tough dirt stains is with vinegar and warm water. Mix together in one bowl about two cups of white distilled vinegar and two cups of warm water. You can always add more vinegar if you feel it’s not working, but very rarely will you need to add more water.

Next, take a sponge or rag and soak it in the mixture. Then begin scrubbing away at your leather couch! This method is particularly great for those tough dirt stains that are embedded into your leather surface. Anytime after applying the cleaner onto the stain, just leave it for about 10-15 minutes before using a clean rag or towel to wipe it away completely! There should be no trace of any stubborn dirt left behind after this process is finished!

  1. Leather Cleaner (for general cleaning)

This one is pretty simple: all you have to do is grab some leather cleaner from your local store and gently wipe your couch surface. Leather cleaners usually come in a spray bottle, which makes the application process very easy.

  1. Rubbing Alcohol (for removing scuffs)

There’s nothing like rubbing alcohol for taking away tough scuff marks that sometimes form on leather surfaces. Just mix together 1/4 cup of water with 3/4 cup of isopropyl alcohol to create an effective cleaner provided by Mother Nature herself! Take a soft rag or sponge and apply the mixture onto any scuff mark you wish to remove. If it’s really bad, let it sit overnight before wiping away with a clean dry towel or cloth. Anytime after applying the cleaner onto the scuff mark, just leave it for about 10-15 minutes before using a clean rag or towel to wipe it away completely!

  1. Cooking Spray (for scratches)

This trick is for those of you who have some nasty scratches on your couch. Take some cooking spray and lightly coat the scratch with it. This will help fill in any cracks or gaps that are causing the damage, which will make them look less noticeable after they’re gone! Keep in mind though…you’ll only need to do this once every couple of months; if you start seeing new scratches, then perform this trick again to make sure your couch stays looking great all the time.

  1. Mayonnaise (for leather stains & moisturizing)

Believe it or not, mayonnaise can be used on leather surfaces to remove tough stains!!

Take some mayonnaise and slather it onto the stain. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then wipe away with a clean cloth or towel. You’ll find that most of the stain is gone by this time! Just make sure to properly moisturize your couch after using this trick…mayonnaise does have oil in it, so you don’t want your leather drying up too quickly!

  1. Baby Wipes (for daily cleaning)

This method will allow you to easily clean your leather every single day without having to worry about any effort on your part. All you need are some baby wipes and water/vinegar mixture (1:1 ratio). a clean damp rag or sponge. Take the baby wipe and dampen it with your water/vinegar mixture. Next, gently wipe down your leather surface until all dirt and grime has been wiped away!

  1. Hire Leather Couch Cleaning Perth Service

Leather couch cleaning Perth offers professional couch steam cleaning, leather lounge upholstery protection services. If you are looking for ways to revive your old leather furniture, just get in touch with us at Leather Couch Cleaning Perth! We offer the best solutions to clean & protect your favorite piece of furniture’s. With our 100% satisfactory services, we assure you can sit on our leather couches without any worry about their health! As a result of which they will stay new for years after wards even if you have pets or kids at home.

With these seven different ways on how to clean your leather couch at home, you should be able to keep that piece looking fresh for many day or even years to come, depending on the brand and quality of your particular couch!!

By aiskehene

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